Blomeyer & Clemente Consulting Services

Development and Support for Educational Technology and K-20 Online Learning Policy and Practice

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Blomeyer & Clemente Consulting Services


* Experience designing and implementing mixed-method, case study evaluations on educational technology and online learning projects.

*Experience communicating evaluation and research findings to audiences of educational practitioners and policy makers.

*Experience managing large scale, multi-site online learning.

*Nationally recognized expertise in online learning policy and practice.

Dr. Robert Blomeyer has managed and contributed to research and development projects examining the integration of technology in teacher education programs, meta-analysis research projects examining the “effects” of school and classroom technology use on students’ academic performance. His works have included online instructional development projects, and research projects examining online learning in mid-level and high school programs.

Technology and Reading Performance in the Middle Grades: A Meta-Analysis with Recommendations for Policy and Practice (Moran, Ferdig, Pearson, Wardrop & Blomeyer, 2008) (Full Text download available from the Journal of Literacy Research, Sage Publishing.)


Dr. Blomeyer is co-editor with Professor Catherine Cavanaugh on “What Works in K-12 Online Learning;” from the International Society for Technology in Education, 2007. Contact ISTE for Details. Available from - in print and for Kindle.

Blomeyer & Clemente Consulting Services
Land: (630) 769-5178
Cell:   (630) 319-7885
5622 Primrose Avenue
Lisle, IL 60532